Peace on the roads


It’s been quite a week for cyclists in Australia. Bike riding issues have dominated media coverage with stories including a car dooring incident in Melbourne. Bicycle Network CEO Craig Richards encourages all road users to work together and talks doorings, car registration and the “war on the roads” in this new video. [youtube] Ride
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Taking on the Peaks


More than 1,800 cyclists have signed up to take on Australia’s toughest bike ride this Sunday. Melissa Heagney gives you a preview. The descent at Falls Creek It’s early morning, still dark when you line up at the start in Falls Creek. Riders bustle around you, doing their last minute preparation – checking their bikes
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Newcastle Challenge – the wrap up


It rained, but no amount of inclement weather could dampen the spirits of the Newcastle Challenge riders today. Guest blogger Anthea Hargreaves explains.       Elated riders cross the finish line at Nobby’s Beach Reserve in Newcastle The skies may have been grey, but the weather was as warm as the greetings from the riders as
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday. Local Bike share with a difference Business consultant Gerard McCormick is keen to add to the relaxed and beachy feel of Queensland’s Gold Coast and offer tourists a different way to see the sights at their own pace by setting up bike
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday. Local news Patients cycle out of intensive care Intensive care patients can lose up to 25% of their muscle mass in their first week of hospitalisation, but new horizontal exercise bikes are helping them stay active and speeding recovery times. Get
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday. Local news Australia golden at Junior Track World Championships Australia dominated the leader board at the Junior World Track Championships in Glasgow last week, taking home an impressive six gold medals—more than any other country. The team also took home an
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Bike touring basics


Jon Miller covers the basics of bike touring. Away from the hustle and bustle of cities, bike touring is a unique style of getaway – an adventure on wheels to interesting places, and can be as easy or as challenging as you choose. Touring can take you through a huge variety of landscapes and experiences, from tough mountain climbs and
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Gunbower, by the Murray


Winding tracks through mighty red gums help Jon Miller convert a new bike rider into a cycle touring convert. The adventure begins… ..on a Friday evening train to Kerang. My girlfriend and I arrive late and pitch our tents at the caravan park, nestled in a bend of the Loddon River. As a newcomer to
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Simple for some


Some bike maintenance jobs seem so basic that it’s assumed everyone knows how to do them well, but that’s not always the case, writes Stephen Huntley. With instructions supplied with bikes and their parts often impossible to understand, and riders not wanting to feel foolish by asking what seem to be silly questions, seemingly simple
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Friday. Local news Plan to make Sydney riders pay A transport plan put forward by Sydney mayoral candidate Angela Vithoulkas will require riders over 13 to register for third party insurance “to protect pedestrians, motorists and other forms of transport”. The plan will
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