Ride with confidence


Know the rules and best strategies to reduce your risks and ride with confidence. Simon Vincett explains. Communication Scan ahead and slow down if you’re not sure whether someone has seen you or if they will give way. Communicate using your bell, your voice, hand signals and eye contact. Put on your lights when it
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Crash. Bang. What next?


Harriet Edmund advises what you need to do—and what you need to know—if you are involved in a crash. You know the importance of staying vigilant while you ride into work but the road is greasy and nothing has prepared you for what’s about to happen. A motorist suddenly turns left, cutting in front of
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Top risks to riders


  There are many confident riders who have the knack of identifying the risks on the roads, and who have developed good riding practices to manage the uncertainty that shadows every vulnerable road user. But are riders totally responsible for their welfare, or do other road users, and roads management authorities, also have an obligation
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Exit with care


The latest dramatic car dooring incident in Melbourne revealed confusion over the road rules. Simon Vincett investigates the laws, risks and rewards of riding in the city.  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glU17uXDQXg] It’s the kind of incident that can rattle the bones of any road user—and it can happen in a split second. A simple, thoughtless action. That is, opening
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday. Local news Go Gerro! This week Simon Gerrans became the first Australian cyclist to win the Leige-Bastogne-Leige, one of the oldest and most prestigious races in Europe. It was a particularly sweet victory with this year also being the race’s 100th
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Stay or go?


Will you make it across that intersection? Past that rider? Avoid that car door? Stephen Huntley takes a calculated look at speed and braking distances. You’re approaching a set of traffic lights that have been green for a while and you know that they must be due to change. If you’re not quite at the
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Ride On digest


Your links to the week’s top bike news. Local news Look before opening VicRoads has launched a new sticker campaign to combat car dooring. Dooring is one fo the greatest concerns for commuters and road riders. To see why, check out this footage submitted by a  reader who was doored outside Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, on
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Watch that door!


Colliding with a car door is the number one cause of injury to riders. Emma Clark investigates how to take preventative action.  The law Australia’s road laws state it is an offence to open a vehicle door into oncoming traffic. This includes when the vehicle is parked and the engine is turned off, passenger doors
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Carte D’or (Car Door)


This email from a friend who was doored on Melbourne’s Brunswick Street, Ted Chrystal, offered a freshly-honed perspective on sharing the road. We thought it warranted being a ‘guest post’. Saw a cartoon on back page of The Age today “Medieval dooring” (a castle drawbridge squashing a horse) – didn’t find it funny for some
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