It’s The Simple Things That Count


  For health, happiness, the good of the environment and your finances, everything points to the bicycle, as David Van Bergen explains. A wise colleague once stated that life’s greatest moments were achieved by enjoying the little things. Enjoying the warmth of the sun as it radiates down on a clear crisp morning is one
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The right bike for the job


Almost anything can be done by bike – if you have the right bike. Simon Vincett meets three biking enthusiasts who have looked beyond conventional offerings to machines that met their needs. Folder for travelling Tina McCarthy is founder of Wheel Women Cycling, ambassadors to Bicycle Network’s The Ascent ride for women. She has a
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Ebikes 2017


A few shops around Australia claim to offer the biggest range of electric bikes, but there’s now much more of a range than any one shop can offer. Simon Vincett surveys the current market.   Though road cycling is the Formula One of the cycling world with its glamorous image, the fastest growing sector of
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Ride2Work Melbourne

Bike commuting 101


Riding to work is easy and not to mention fun. With National Ride2Work Day around the corner, there’s no better time to experience it for yourself with help from our simple checklist.  Sick of sitting on a humid, overcrowded, peak-hour train? Or even worse, whiling away the daylight hours sitting bumper to bumper in your stationary
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Top bike lights 2016


Don’t crash—pack a flash. Simon Vincett casts some light on the business of being seen on a bike. No bike rider should be without lights at night or in low light conditions—not poor students, not food delivery riders, not school kids and no-one riding to work. Effective lights are essential (and legally required) to show
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A city thrives on connectedness but access all hours makes privacy a problem


Stephan Winter, University of Melbourne and Christopher Leckie, University of Melbourne Cities are complex systems, some may even say messy systems. Many independent and concurrent decisions shape the experience, form and opportunities in a city. And many stakeholders have their views, their data and their interests without necessarily sharing with others. Let us try to
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Commuter Cycling: Infrastructure Is Key


Bart Sbeghen reports on the growing phenomenon of premium end-of-trip facilities in some of the nation’s most progressive commercial buildings and offices. Photos: Karl Hilzinger, Hormuzd Khodaiji. The phenomenon may not be obvious to most people, probably because of the movement’s quite literally underground nature. That was until a front page article in The Financial
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Commit to commuting


Riding to work is a great way to get active, save money and put some extra time up your sleeve, finds Margot McGovern. Many thousands of Australians ride to work every day. I’m one of them. Even when it’s cold I’m brave enough to weather the storms for my rush of endorphins in the morning,
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Paid to ride?


Active travel makes a healthier society and a stronger economy. Simon Vincett looks at subsidising transport that’s good for Australia. Damien Cook rides his bike four days a week, passing the thousands of cars lining Melbourne’s Eastern Freeway on his journey to and from work. His ride offers many benefits—reducing stress, improving his health, including his
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