The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday.
Newcastle to make room for bikes
1.6km of new bikeways are proposed to replace two car lanes on Newcastle’s bustling Hunter Street, though the proposal is not without opposition.
Separated bikeways get second chance in Adelaide
While Adelaide’s first separated bike lane on Sturt Street was ripped out (due to the fact that it didn’t connect to other major bike routes and was not itself a popular bike route), Adelaide is giving separated ‘Copenhagen’ lanes another go, this time on Frome Street between Carrington and Pirie Street, with the potential for the lanes to be extended to North Terrace.
Less than a week to Vote4Cycling
With the nation heading to the polling booths on Saturday, Vote4Cycling has complied the cycling policies promised by the major political parties.
Man gives thief cardboard bike
Last week social media was buzzing with the story of the Canadian woman who stole her bike back. This week, another rider has gone a step further, stealing back his friend’s bike and leaving a cardboard cut-out in its place.
UK pollys court cycling vote
Public pressure demanding safer streets for bikes has seen the UK’s three key political parties promise to make cycling a priority.
Dubai: cycling’s new hot spot
Soaring temperatures and humidity aren’t stopping the UAE from joining the bike boom. 104km of a promised 850km of bikeways is now complete in Dubai, including a 23km track in the tourist district of Jumeirah.
Pro cyclists live longer
According to a new French study, pro cyclists live an roughly 6.3 years longer than the average person, largely due to the healthy lifestyle they lead post-retirement.
Ride On interviews the Bike Snob NYC
The Bike Snob NYC blogger Eben Weiss was in town for the Melbourne Writers’ Festival last week, and we caught up with him to talk about the urban cycling explosion and the problem of blameless culpable driving.
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