Riding With Confidence


Know the rules and best strategies to reduce your risks and ride with confidence. Simon Vincett explains. Communication Scan ahead and slow down if you’re not sure whether someone has seen you or if they will give way. Communicate using your bell, your voice, hand signals and eye contact. Put on your lights when it
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Safer Cycling: Hook Turn Explainer


Do you use a hook turn to turn right? It’s a great risk-reduction tool for riders, Simon Vincett explains. Moving to the middle of the road to turn right is a nerve-wracking situation for many bike riders but fortunately it can be mostly avoided. The answer is a hook turn. Hook turns are familiar to
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The right way


Make hook-turns your default manoeuvre and never worry about turning right again, writes Emma Clark. Right-hand turns can be one of the harder parts of navigating your way through traffic. Intersections require extra care at the best of times, with drivers more likely to take risks to avoid stopping at red lights. Every intersection will
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