Safer Cycling: Hook Turn Explainer


Do you use a hook turn to turn right? It’s a great risk-reduction tool for riders, Simon Vincett explains. Moving to the middle of the road to turn right is a nerve-wracking situation for many bike riders but fortunately it can be mostly avoided. The answer is a hook turn. Hook turns are familiar to
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Bike queuing Dutch style


Thijs van der Heijden suggests we could improve the way we use bike lanes and bike boxes. Perhaps it’s because I’m Dutch, but the single-file bicycle queue has puzzled me ever since I moved to Australia about two years ago. It seems so far off from my riding experience anywhere in Europe. I figured that
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Don’t be left confused


“The rider of a bicycle must not ride past, or overtake, to the left of a vehicle that is turning left and is giving a left change of direction signal.” Sound simple enough? As Emma Clarkfinds out, it’s not that straightforward. Bike riders have a unique right to overtake on the left of cars in
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