Transport showdown unfolding in NSW


What a stunning contrast in attitude to bike riders is on display in NSW at the moment. We have a state premier proposing a de-facto bike rider licensing scheme one day, and a federal opposition senior leader calling for more bike friendly policies for the state the next. Federal member for the inner-Sydney electorate of Grayndler
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Bikes For Cities ~ Cities For Bikes


With multi-party interest at the federal level in making our cities more liveable and productive, will governments embrace bike riding for all it can offer? Simon Vincett investigates.   Advocates of active transport in Australia could heave a sigh of relief when Malcolm Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister in September 2015. Gone was a head of government ideologically committed to more roads for cars as the sole solution to transport
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Cities set for sustainability


Australian cities should become cleaner, greener and more liveable as a result of new approaches from federal and local levels of government. Simon Vincett reports.  Bicycle Network welcomed the creation of a federal Ministry of Cities and the Built Environment by the new Turnbull Government as a positive move towards creating an effective network for bicycle transport, declaring, “Integrated
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