Muscle up for brain power


People with fit, strong legs have been found to also retain more brain power as they age, a further indication that riding a bike for exercise has benefits for brain function as well as physical health. In a remarkable, decade-long study of 300 female twins, researchers at Kings College, London, have demonstrated that leg power
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Out-riding bad habits


A passion for cycling can lead to big changes both on and off the track. Richard England tells Melissa Heagney how riding a bike has changed his (and others) lives for the better. Name: Richard England Age: 33 Occupation: Day Program Team Leader with YSAS Bikes: Scott mountain bike, Bianchi FG Lite road bike There are many life-changing moments
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Out of the darkness


Iain Treloar reflects on depression, mortality and the escape of bike riding.  It was a year ago that I heard he wasn’t well. There’d been signs—erratic behaviour, symbolic of the peaks and troughs in emotion that would retrospectively point to his diagnosis as bipolar. He’d been forced to move back home from interstate to rest
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