Life lessons


Wheeling and walking to school brings more than physical health, it also builds resilience, providing kids with vital personal development that their studies in class can’t deliver. Simon Vincett investigates.   “Tomorrow we’ll all go to the island with you. See? The whole lot of us. Why shouldn’t we? Your mother said we could spend
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Alarm over health care costs


Lack of physical activity is estimated to be now costing the US health budget $117 billion dollars a year, or about 10 per cent of health care costs. According to the latest US household travel survey data, only 11 per cent of all trips are taken by foot, one per cent by bicycle, and two
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Happiness is a new bike


While we may live in the era of Xbox, Playstation, Facebook and YouTube, Craig Richards and Sarah Down find that the simple dream of owning a brand new bike is still alive for some Australian teenagers. Meet Nick Metha, 16 (pictured above). Nick was one of more than 900 teens who took part in Victoria’s
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Tasmania rides to school


The Tasmanian Government has announced funding of $100,000 for Bicycle Network’s Ride2School program to run across the state during the 2015-16 financial year. The program compliments the existing Move Well, Eat Well Program that has 172 Tasmanian schools involved in a range of healthy eating and healthy activity modules. Schools can use Ride2School program to
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Office workers, stand up from your desk for two hours a day


David Dunstan, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute We’ve known for some time that too much sitting increases your risk of diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and early death. But until now it’s been unclear how much standing during the work day may counter this increased risk. Guidelines published in the British Journal of Sports
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Cycle of health


Our adolescents need help to get active, for the sake of a healthy future. Simon Vincett and Phoebe Rountree investigate how adults and active transport can deliver. Adelaide teen Matthew Pomery was, until recently, like many others his age. The 16-year-old caught the train to his school in the northern suburbs, Elizabeth–Fremont High, and to
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Out of the darkness


Iain Treloar reflects on depression, mortality and the escape of bike riding.  It was a year ago that I heard he wasn’t well. There’d been signs—erratic behaviour, symbolic of the peaks and troughs in emotion that would retrospectively point to his diagnosis as bipolar. He’d been forced to move back home from interstate to rest
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Why ride?


Opportunities to be physically active are disappearing from our lives but increased inactivity is harming us. Dr Rob Moodie suggests bikes are a solution. The way we lead our lives has changed dramatically in the last 30 to 40 years. Opportunities to be physically active have literally disappeared with the increased use of cars and labour
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