Down the adventure road


  Gravel grinders, all-road or adventure bikes—whatever you call them, we put five of the best to test. Iain Treloar reports. Picture this: you’re on your road bike, powering along the tarmac, when out of the corner of your eye, you spot an unpaved road that you’ve never really noticed before. It’s sun dappled and
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Can bikes stop global warming?


Limiting global warming and defining sustainable development have both been recently negotiated at the global level. Simon Vincett asks Australia’s leaders how bike riding can play a role in our national commitments.   In November 2015, the Paris Conference on Climate Change reached, for the first time since the inaugural Conference of Parties (COP) in
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World tour with baby


Travelling anywhere with children can be a challenge, let alone 15,000km, by bike, with a five-month-old baby. Céline Pasche shares the highlights from her family’s bike riding adventure of a lifetime. Words by Céline Pasche. Photography by Xavier Pasche. 50,000km by bike—including 15,000km with a baby—may seem insane, but pedal-by-pedal, we brought our daughter into
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Night rider


Swapping the sunshine for the cooler and calmer environment of the night offers relief, challenge and fun for all types of bike riders. Sarah Down catches some nocturnal action. Bike riding after sundown, on the whole, is more often viewed as an unfavourable by‐product of winter’s shorter days. For those in the southern states, it
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Bikes for cities ~ cities for bikes


With multi-party interest at the federal level in making our cities more liveable and productive, will governments embrace bike riding for all it can offer? Simon Vincett investigates.   Advocates of active transport in Australia could heave a sigh of relief when Malcolm Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott as Prime Minister in September 2015. Gone was a head of government ideologically committed to more roads for cars as the sole solution to transport
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The Italian job


With centuries of history, quiet roads and testing climbs, cycling runs in the blood of Emilia Romagna. Words and photography Iain Treloar. Out my aeroplane window, jagged peaks stretch toward the sun, their heads poking through the cloud. Tiny villages nestle on the shores of lakes, or in Alpine valleys. Kilometres below me, a run
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Room for change


Bart Sbeghen reports on the growing phenomenon of premium end-of-trip facilities in some of the nation’s most progressive commercial buildings and offices. Photos: Karl Hilzinger, Hormuzd Khodaiji. The phenomenon may not be obvious to most people, probably because of the movement’s quite literally underground nature. That was until a front page article in The Financial
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Build your own bike


Euan Pennington jets off to Arizona to discover his inner framebuilder. These days the bulk of bikes come from Asia. Large companies have done to bikes what Henry Ford did for cars, and production is all about big tooling, bulk materials and cohorts of skilled welders churning out dozens or hundreds of frames a day at
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Back on the bike


After a life changing injury there can be many roads to recovery, and pedalling a bike can be one important part. Senior Exercise Physiologist Chris Byrne explains. The  Epworth  Hospital’s  Cycle  Re­training  started  20  years  ago  –  the  brainchild  of  sports physiologists including Chris Byrne who realised people suffering from traumatic injuries wanted to get
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Keeping it in the family


There are many great reasons to ride together as a family. Nicola Rutzou looks at ways to encourage parents and children to get on two wheels and active. Family life is often frantic and fraught, so it’s important to take time out to spend together. What better way than by getting on a bike and
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