It’s The Simple Things That Count


  For health, happiness, the good of the environment and your finances, everything points to the bicycle, as David Van Bergen explains. A wise colleague once stated that life’s greatest moments were achieved by enjoying the little things. Enjoying the warmth of the sun as it radiates down on a clear crisp morning is one
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Riding With Confidence


Know the rules and best strategies to reduce your risks and ride with confidence. Simon Vincett explains. Communication Scan ahead and slow down if you’re not sure whether someone has seen you or if they will give way. Communicate using your bell, your voice, hand signals and eye contact. Put on your lights when it
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Review: Proviz Switch Jacket


Extremely visible, but a bit hot and heavy. Review by Peter Foot The first thing I noticed about the jacket is how insanely reflective it is. Even in daylight it shimmers like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, and at night it lights you up like a Christmas decoration, reflecting even the dim ambient glow from street
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When can my child ride?


Bron Willis dives into the challenge and the triumph of learning to ride and how to plan bike trips the whole family will enjoy. You’re eager to launch into family riding, but when will your little one be ready for outings in the child seat or trailer? And when will junior have enough balance to
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Review: DataDot DNA bicycle kit


$49.95 For the owner, the theft of a bike is a distressing, often expensive and inconvenient experience—a reality that may well have been behind DataDot’s decision to expand their inventory into the bicycle market. DataDot was first developed 15 years ago for the automotive industry, as a means to help police identify stolen cars, counteract
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5 injury prevention tips to keep you riding


There are many ways to avoid injury when riding. Michael Hobbs highlights five key tips for pain-free pedalling. It’s rare to meet a rider, indeed any sportsperson, that’s moves 100% pain-free. We’re continually searching for that weightless, free movement we once had, or thought we had in our youth. Though you may never reach this
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How to overtake obstacles


Whether it’s road works, parked cars or a hazard, you will sometimes need to overtake something that’s in the way of where you would like to ride. Simon Vincett explains how it’s done, with illustrations by Karl Hilzinger. Life is often littered with obstacles and the riding life is no exception. No sweat. It’s just
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How to ride on the footpath


The footpath has its own special set of hazards to be aware of and to anticipate. With a bit of practice, scanning and preparing for these become second nature. Simon Vincett explains. Riding on the footpath is an art in itself. It’s still not allowed for adults in three Australian states but for kids under
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Night rider


Swapping the sunshine for the cooler and calmer environment of the night offers relief, challenge and fun for all types of bike riders. Sarah Down catches some nocturnal action. Bike riding after sundown, on the whole, is more often viewed as an unfavourable by‐product of winter’s shorter days. For those in the southern states, it
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Overtaking on the left


  This right for bike riders creates one of the most confusing situations for riders and drivers to negotiate. Simon Vincett explains the Australian road rules with practical examples. Bikes are the only vehicles on the road in Australia that can legally overtake other vehicles on the left [RR141]. This special entitlement follows logically from
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