Life lessons


Wheeling and walking to school brings more than physical health, it also builds resilience, providing kids with vital personal development that their studies in class can’t deliver. Simon Vincett investigates.   “Tomorrow we’ll all go to the island with you. See? The whole lot of us. Why shouldn’t we? Your mother said we could spend
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Butchers And Bicycles Review


This “built-to-tilt” machine transforms how you ride a tricycle. Adding an automatic transmission and electric motor creates a new paradigm of cargo bike. Simon Vincett reports. In three key ways the Butchers and Bicycles Mk1-E with NuVinci HSync is a great leap forward in cargo bikes, providing the most viable car-alternative on the Australian market: it is
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Bike Futures Conference 2015 wrap up


Over 150 experts in urban planning, active travel and bike advocacy met at the annual Bike Futures Conference this week to discuss and dissect the challenges of becoming a nation of bike riders. Michael Hobbs reports. The three day conference themed on ‘overcoming barriers to bike riding’ had delegates pedalling through Melbourne on Monday, before
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Light on Voigt


The affable uber-domestique, Jens Voigt, who suffered nobly in the service of so many team leaders, is coming to centre stage in Australia. Ahead of the upcoming The Tour on Stage, he told Ride On of the highlights and insights of his long career. RO: Do you still ride for fun? Voigt: It’s coming back
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Tasmania rides to school


The Tasmanian Government has announced funding of $100,000 for Bicycle Network’s Ride2School program to run across the state during the 2015-16 financial year. The program compliments the existing Move Well, Eat Well Program that has 172 Tasmanian schools involved in a range of healthy eating and healthy activity modules. Schools can use Ride2School program to
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Set the wheels of learning in motion


Can a mountain bike track be a tool for teaching? A Tasmanian school is testing its new facility to the limits of utility. Simon Vincett reports. A Hobart primary school is pioneering the use of bike riding as behavior modulation and a learning tool, with a mountain bike track as part of the playground. Used by students for lunchtime
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Talking the ride


Commentator, writer and Tour de France aficionado Matthew Keenan tells Melissa Heagney how dreams can come true—even if they have to change a little. Name: Matthew Keenan Age: 40 Job: Cycling commentator The excitement was too much. An 8-year-old Matthew Keenan just couldn’t wait to see what Santa had left under the Christmas tree. It was
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Ride On digest


The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday. Local news Ride2School rolls on Bicycle Network’s Ride2School program will be expanded to include secondary schools and encourage more students across Victoria to be active and healthy. The news follows the release of the Victorian State Budget on Tuesday and the announcement
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Building biking


With a splash of cash, the UK is showing the way to save on health costs by spending on bike riding. Simon Vincett investigates the situation in Australia. Europe, it seems, has always led the way when it comes to building infrastructure for bike riders. There’s no need to look any further than the Netherlands
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