Muscle up for brain power


People with fit, strong legs have been found to also retain more brain power as they age, a further indication that riding a bike for exercise has benefits for brain function as well as physical health. In a remarkable, decade-long study of 300 female twins, researchers at Kings College, London, have demonstrated that leg power
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Bike Futures Conference 2015 wrap up


Over 150 experts in urban planning, active travel and bike advocacy met at the annual Bike Futures Conference this week to discuss and dissect the challenges of becoming a nation of bike riders. Michael Hobbs reports. The three day conference themed on ‘overcoming barriers to bike riding’ had delegates pedalling through Melbourne on Monday, before
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Cross training benefits


When someone says “cross­training”, people usually reply “What for?” Danielle Halvorsen explains the benefits for bike riders. If bike riding is all you do for fitness, you need to start thinking of other ways to benefit your overall physical health. Cross training changes your regular patterns and movements and shows up underperforming and inflexible muscles.
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Back on the bike


After a life changing injury there can be many roads to recovery, and pedalling a bike can be one important part. Senior Exercise Physiologist Chris Byrne explains. The  Epworth  Hospital’s  Cycle  Re­training  started  20  years  ago  –  the  brainchild  of  sports physiologists including Chris Byrne who realised people suffering from traumatic injuries wanted to get
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Spring into shape


Whether winter had you hibernating or injury kept you sidelined, Harriet Edmund asks the experts for their top tips to help you back on the bike. There’s no greater feeling than when the sun starts shining after a long winter. Fair weather rider or not, you can’t deny that sense of relief at the prospect
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Indoors and active


Personal trainer Ben Masci suggests a gym-based routine to enhance your bike fitness. Some cyclists are looking for an extra edge to their training. Whether it’s improving for a race or event, or just to improve overall health and fitness, a regular visit to your local gym or personal trainer can help you get the
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Beating ITB Syndrome


The Illiotibial Band is a vital part of the leg but troublesome—unless you take care of it. Simon Vincett and Andrew Pell show you how. Many bike riders will be familiar with pain in the outside of the knee. This is most likely ‘ITB syndrome’ or inflammation from friction of the tough fascia (connective tissue)
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Office workers, stand up from your desk for two hours a day


David Dunstan, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute We’ve known for some time that too much sitting increases your risk of diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease and early death. But until now it’s been unclear how much standing during the work day may counter this increased risk. Guidelines published in the British Journal of Sports
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Ride strong


A regular program of simple strength exercises can improve your posture and strengthen your core. Benjamin Masci shares five exercises to help your body balance. A balanced body helps any rider confidently tackle the physical demands of the bike (and of life in general). Strong legs without a solid core can cause lower-back strain with
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