The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday.
Local news
Orica GreenEDGE takes the trifecta
With the final stage of the Jayco Herald Sun Tour cancelled due to fire danger on Sunday, Orica GreenEDGE rider Simon Clarke was crowned the race winner. The Tour marks the third major win for the Aussie pro team this summer, after Simon Gerrans took out the Mars Cycling Australia Road National Championships and the Santos Tour Down Under in January.
Road to respect
Statistically, February has proved a high-risk time for vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, bike riders and motorcyclists, which is why this year Victoria Police have launched Operation Amulet. The initiative aims to promote the safety of vulnerable road users and remind motorists, riders and pedestrians that no one has a monopoly on Victoria’s roads. According to Sgt Arty Lavos, “We’re all part of the same community and we need to work together to make the roads safer for everyone.”
Temporary trail closure
The floating pontoons on Melbourne’s popular Main Yarra Trail will be closed periodically throughout February and March while Parks Victoria removes silt build up from beneath the trail’s floating pontoons. Dredging is being restricted to non-peak times to minimise the inconvenience to trail users. The schedule of closures can be viewed here.
International news
The faster you ride, the more attractive you are—it’s science!
A recent study, in which 800 participants ranked the attractiveness of 80 Tour de France riders, has found that the better the riders performed on the bike, the more points for physical attraction they scored. Researchers believe there may be a primal connection between physical attraction and physical endurance, with those who can chase prey for longer making better mates. Okay, so it may not be hard science, but it’s an interesting theory.
Boris’s new ban
London Mayor Boris Johnson has put forward a proposal that would require vehicles over 3.5 tonnes, which are responsible for a disproportionate number of cyclist deaths, to be fitted with side guards and additional mirrors to improve driver visibility and rider safety. If passed, the new regulations could be in place by the end of the year.
Wild win in Qatar
Dutch rider Kirsten Wild has won the women’s Tour of Qatar—for the fourth time. In her 2014 victory, she took out three of the stages to win by 22 seconds ahead of Giant Shimano team mate Amy Pieters and Australian rider Chloe Hosking.
Standing no cure for sitting sickness
Researchers keep telling us that too many hours spent sitting increases our risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and musculoskeletal conditions. However, solutions, such as ‘standing desks’, aren’t enough to combat the issue. If you work in an office, researchers recommend moving around as much as possible during the workday. Some suggestio0ns for this include walking meetings and getting up from your desk to speak to colleagues face-to-face rather than emailing themTour of Qatar.
Black diamond on the Gold Coast
Good news for MTB riders! The 4km Old Tambo Downhill Mountain Bike Track is now open for business in Tamborine Mountain’s eagle Heights Conservation Park. According to Aussie MTB champ Michael Rooney, the black diamond track is “as good as any around the world”.
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