The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Friday.
Local news
Why do we ride to work but not the shops?
Alan Davies, writer for The Urbanist, suggests that many of us who regularly ride to work don’t use our bikes for short, local trips, and he has several theories about what’s keeping us out of the saddle.
Red means ‘go’ on Gold Coast
A new trial on Queensland’s Gold Coast will allow drivers to make left turns through red lights at selected intersections. While intersections will be clearly signed, RACQ safety policy manager Steve Spalding believes it could lead to a higher crash rate.
Tour de Work rolls out
Adelaide workplaces are keeping the spirit of Ride2Work Day alive by competing against each other throughout November in a competition to get the highest percentage of workers riding for at least ten minutes per day.
Cycling Australia under review
In light of Matt White and Stephen Hodge’s resignations from Cycling Australia after admitting to doping during their cycling careers, the organisation will undergo a review conducted by retired NSW Supreme Court chief judge James Wood in an effort to give Australian sport cycling a clean start.
International news
New Yorkers take to the streets
With the subway system down in the wake of hurricane Sandy, peak hour looked a little different in new York.
High profile hits in UK
Cycling suffered a double blow in the UK this week with Tour de France winner and gold medal Olympian Bradley Wiggins being knocked off his bike near his home on Wednesday evening, injuring his ribs and wrist. Less than 24 hours later, Australian and head coach of the British cycling team, Shane Sutton was also hit and taken to hospital with bleeding on his brain.
Wheels of change
The number of cars in Central London peaked in 1990 and has dropped by 37% since 2000. The decline has been influenced by a combination of factors, including shorter trip lengths and a younger generation less inclined to drive than their parents.
Technology on the move
Only five of the 152 million people in Bangladesh have Internet access, but a fleet of ‘info ladies’ are bringing technology to the masses. Equipped with laptops, they travel by bike to areas without web access and provide a range of other community services, particularly for women.
Hope not cope
Campaigns for better bike infrastructure are broadening their focus in the UK, and bike advocacy groups are joining with other urban planning organisations and lobby groups in an effort to combine forces and produce greener, more livable cities for the future.
Timing is everything
Cycling Tips helps you map out macro and micro nutrition plans to help you perform at your peak this summer.
Using a bike box
If you’re unsure how a bike box works, these funny little Lego men can help. Just remember that Aussies ride on the other side of the road.
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> “Only five of the 152 million people in India…”
Um, I think you mean “Only five million of the 152 million people in Bangladesh”.
Thanks Michael, fixed now.