Ride On digest
The week’s top bike news from around the world, brought to you every Wednesday.
Local news
Australia’s Commonwealth Games 2014 cycling team announced
Track star Anna Meares is set to lead the team of 41 Aussie cyclists to glory at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this July.
Out of bounds
It appears some Perth motorists are using off-road bike paths to jump the queue in peak hour traffic. Perhaps they should consider riding their bikes instead?
Treecycles en route to Adelaide
Adelaidians may have a new way to get around town, with Adelaide City Council in preliminarty talks to purchase a fleet of 50 ‘treecycles‘, which would transport people around the city free of charge.
International news
Glasgow students lead the way in active travel
While much of the UK is struggling to convince students and their parents to make the journey to school under their own steam, more than half of Glasgow students ride, scoot, walk or skate to school. Sustainability transport charity, Sustrans, believes that if the rest of the UK followed suit, the nation could save £2 billion each year and significantly reduce the percentage of overweight and obese children.
Bikes a la mode
Bike riding is growing faster than any other transport mode among US commuters, with the number of people riding to work rising by 60% in the past decade.
Does bike riding make you happier?
A recent study has found that bike riders are generally happier than other transport users. Researchers believe further studies are necessary to confirm and strengthen their findings, but their conclusion seems like common sense to us!
Think smart, play smart
New research from the University of British Columbia has found that regular aerobic exercise may help increase the size of the hippocampus—the part of the brain used for memory and learning. Researchers believe that regular exercise helps prevent cognitive decline as people age, with people who exercise staying sharper for longer.
Have you written to Tony yet?
Yesterday the Bicycle Network team wrote to Prime Minister Tony Abbott asking for $7.5 billion for separated bike infrastructure and paths. Write your letter and sign the petition here.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sj1Dyu1L7E]
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